Season 1

Sept. 7, 2023

Ep 50: Evolving Identity and Uncovering Your Purpose W/ Chase Chewning

In this episode of Resisting Beta, host Andrew Bontz interviews Chase Chewning, a soldier turned health coach turned podcast host. Chase shares his unique perspective on purpose, endurance through adversity, and the evolution of identity.  He...
Aug. 30, 2023

Ep 49: The Secrets to Peak Sexual Vitality w/ Jackson Hightower

In this captivating episode, we delve into the world of men's sexual health with our special guest, Jackson Hightower. An acclaimed biohacker and expert in the realm of male sexuality, Jackson strives to challenge traditional conceptions of...
Aug. 16, 2023

Ep 48: The Synthetic Dilemma: Unmasking Multivitamin Myths for Men W/ Steven Abbey

Introduction:  In today's episode, we welcome Steven Abbey, the brilliant mind behind SOS Nutrients. A beacon of knowledge and experience in the realm of nutrition, Steven's journey from personal health struggles to the creation of a...
Aug. 9, 2023

Ep 47: From Crisis to Clarity: A Journey Beyond Midlife w/ Ian Inguanez

Welcome to another enlightening episode of our podcast where we dive deep into topics of personal growth, mental health, and transformation. Our guest for today is the exceptional Ian Inguanez, a behavior change specialist and hypnotherapist. Ian is...
Aug. 2, 2023

Secrets of High Performers: The Fitness-Mindset Connection w/ Ben Smith

In this episode, our guest Ben Smith, a fitness and nutrition coach, army veteran, and mental health advocate, joins us to discuss his transition from the army to coaching celebrities, his philosophy on mental and physical health, and his unique...
July 3, 2023

Ep 45: Cracking the Pleasure Code: Exploring the Five Erotic Blueprints W/ Juliette Karaman

In this episode, our guest Juliette Karaman, a certified mind and body coach specializing in healing, trauma, and navigating body shame, joins us to discuss the decline of intimacy in long-term relationships and strategies to reignite passion and...
June 27, 2023

Ep: 44 - Escaping the Viagra Trap: Long-Term Strategies for ED w/ Ken Schafer

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Ken Schafer, Introducing Ken Schafer, a Clinical Sexuality Coach and esteemed guest on ResistingBeta: The Men's Health Podcast. With his wealth of...
June 20, 2023

Ep: 43 - Trekking from Turmoil to Triumph: A 6-Step Guide to Masculine Mastery

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Dennis Procopio, Dennis Procopio is the founder of Man-UP! Life Coaching is an elite life coaching service for men. Based in San Diego, CA; Dennis created...
June 13, 2023

Ep 42: No Ruckin' Excuses: Unmasking Army Fitness for the Everyday Man w/ Michael Glover

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Michael Glover, Michael Glover, a committed personal trainer from Calene, Texas, is currently serving in the Army Reserve while running his innovative...
June 6, 2023

TOM PALADINO Revolutionizing Health with Scalar Energy: Defying Pathogens & Boosting Vitality (EP 41)

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Tom Paladino, Tom Paladino is a Holistic Medical Expert, Scalar Light Researcher & Humanitarian based in Florida. Summary: Tom Palladino is a holistic...
May 30, 2023

Ep 40: Confronting the 'Not Enough' Fallacy: Steps Toward High-Value Masculinity w/ Jaguar

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Jaguar Heart , Jaguar Heart is a transformative teacher, therapist, and physicist who leverages proven  principles to guide divorced men toward...
May 23, 2023

Ep 39: The Mind-Body Transformation: Recasting Your Health Journey w/ Kevin Varno

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Kevin Varno, Kevin Varno is a health transformation specialist, dedicated to assisting men in achieving sustainable health and fitness. Shifting focus...
May 16, 2023

Ep 38: From Victim to Victor: Reclaiming Your Identity & Breaking Fitness Plateaus w/ Will Ballanger

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Will Ballanger, Royal Navy Senior Physical Training Instructor, father, husband and proud advocate of honest hard work. Passionate fitness myth debunker...
May 9, 2023

Ep 37: 7 Steps to Create Unbreakable Healthy Habits w/ Jason Gootman

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Jason Gootman, Jason Gootman is a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach as well as a certified...
May 2, 2023

Ep 36: Work-Life-Win: Mastering the Balance for Optimal Health. w/ Daniel Raz

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Daniel Raz, Daniel Raz is an online fitness coach renowned for helping busy men lose 30 pounds in 4 months without a gym. A University of British Columbia...
April 26, 2023

Ep 35: Maximize Your Mojo: 3 Hormone Hacks to Keep Father Time at Bay w/ Dustin Baker

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Dustin Baker, Dustin Baker is the President of BioProtein Technology and creator of BioPro+. With years of experience working intimately with some of the...
April 18, 2023

Ep: 34 - Ascending From the Abyss: Striving for Greatness After a Heart Attack at 40 w/ Sergio Nazzaro

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Sergio Nazzaro, Sergio is an Air Force veteran and performance coach who is on a mission to helping entrepreneurs have it all in their business,...
April 11, 2023

Ep 33 - Intentional Immersive Experiences: How Hot/Cold Therapy Can Improve Your Mental Health w/ Myles Farmer

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest Myles Farmer, a trailblazing entrepreneur who made his mark at just 23 years old as a Tim Hortons franchisee, rapidly expanding to seven locations and...
April 4, 2023

Ep 32: How to Thrive: 7 Step's To Successful Self-leadership W/ George Wilkinson

In this episode of ResistingBeta: The Men’s Health Podcast, host Andrew Bontz interviews guest George Wilkinson, George Wilkinson’s mission to share with the world what he’s learnt, with the single aim of helping you make the most of your...
Dec. 28, 2022

Achieving Balance in 2023: Strategies for Success Across the 7 Key Areas of Life w/ Joel Hassenritter

Our guest this week is Joel Haasenritter.  He is a certified Oola Life coach and founder at Wayfinders For Life.  He helps visionary, heart-centered people create a life that matters by helping them reconnect to their dreams and crush their...
Dec. 13, 2022

The Seasons of Mental Health: How to Not Get Stuck in Your Suck W/ Dr. Gregory Scott Brown

Gregory Scott Brown, M.D., is a board-certified psychiatrist, columnist for Men's Health magazine, and author.  He believes we can work together to fight mental health stigma by having open and honest conversations about mental health.  Dr....
Nov. 22, 2022

Ep 16 - Becoming A Holistic Man: Optimizing Mental and Sexual Health W/ Toni Hickman

Our guest this week is an Emmy award winner, professional music artist, certified naturopath, and unorthodox spiritualist. She is also an author, motivational speaker, and performer. Topics Discussed: Resisting the societal push against the...